Moby Dick

Salmon / White fish / Hering 30 Testimonials
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)
6 Piece, 200g
23.76 €
€ 19.80/kg
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)
Moby Dick 200g (6 Piece)

The fish meal Moby Dick is a special food for dogs as it has no meat but only fish ingredients and includes precious nutrients. The meal is very light and perfectly suitable for sensitive pets.




Ready to serve, best served at room temperature.


Special features of Anifit meals

  • wholesome meat products containing 90-99% meat or fish
  • contains only meat which has been approved for human consumption
  • contains only natural raw ingredients
  • delicately prepared using a cold filling process
  • home delivery service
  • free from sugar and other flavour enhancing substances
  • free from soya and corn
  • free from preservatives and colourings
  • free from attractants and fillers
  • free from animal meal
  • free from plant and cereal flours
  • no animal testing


List of foodstuff

Salmon 31 %
White fish
31 %
30 %
Total fish
92 %
Rice 4 %
Carrots 3 %
Share < 1 %
rose hip,
salt, calcium
1 %
Total 100 %



Fish and fish-by-products, rice, vegetables, minerals


Analytical components

8 % crude protein, 5 % crude oils and -fats, 0.5 % crude fibres, 2 % crude ash, 80 % moisture, 4 % NfE (~carbohydrates), 0.35 % calcium, 0.30 % phosphor, 0.2 % sodium, 2 mg/kg copper, 23 mg/ kg zinc, 4 mg/kg manganese


Feeding recommendation

Feeding recommendation (daily ration):

Dogs with 2-5 kg: 100-200 g
Dogs with 6-25 kg: 200-600 g
Dogs with 26-40 kg: 600-800 g

For a precise calculation of the feed amount, contact your Anifit advisor or use the Anifit Food-Calculator.


Häufige Fragen

Wie lange ist das Futter haltbar?

Sobald die Dose geöffnet wurde, sollte diese innerhalb von zwei Tagen aufgebraucht werden, da alle unsere Gerichte bewusst keine Konservierungsmittel enthalten. Die Aufbewahrung im Kühlschrank hilft, das Produkt möglichst frisch zu halten: unsere praktischen Schnappdeckel sind optimal, um den Geruch in der Dose zu belassen und das Produkt zu schützen. Füttern Sie aber das Gericht aber bitte nicht kalt, sondern leicht erwärmt (z.B. indem Sie etwas heißes Wasser darüber gießen). Das schmeckt nicht nur den Tieren besser, die Mahlzeit kann so auch leichter verdaut werden.

Besteht die Möglichkeit, das Produkt einzufrieren?

Wenn Sie das Produkt sofort nach dem Öffnen einfrieren, ist das möglich.

Wie hoch ist das Calcium-Phosphor-Verhältnis?

Die Werte für Phosphor und Calcium finden Sie unter den analytischen Bestandteilen im Register „Zusammensetzung". Wesentlich ist, dass der Calcium-Wert immer höher ist als der Phosphor-Wert.

Ist das Futter Purin-arm?

Die Anifit-Gerichte zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Fleischanteil aus und enthalten dadurch auch Purin. Der Durchschnittswert an Harnsäure der Anifit-Gerichte liegt bei ca. 80 mg/100g. Als purinarme Flocke empfehlen wir unsere Purin-low Flocken.

Warum wird Salz zugesetzt?

Salz ist ein wichtiger Mineralstoff für den Körper, sein Zusatz ist notwendig, damit im Produkt ausreichend Salz vorhanden ist. In Beutetieren von Wölfen etwa ist Salz im Blut enthalten und wird von dort aufgenommen.

Welche tierischen Nebenprodukte verwendet Anifit?

Die von uns verwendeten Bestandteile sind bei jedem Gericht in der Liste der Einzelfuttermittel aufgeführt. Wir verwenden nur Pansen, Herz, Leber, Hähnchenmägen, Milz, Karkassen, Lunge, Schlund und Strossen.


Food supplement

Available in 200g

Produced in Sweden

What our customers say

Jede Verbraucherbewertung wird vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf ihre Echtheit überprüft, sodass sichergestellt ist, dass die  Bewertungen nur von Verbrauchern stammen, die die bewerteten Produkte auch tatsächlich erworben/genutzt haben. Die Überprüfung geschieht durch Abgleich der Kundendaten mit den bei uns getätigten Bestellungen. Bewertungen von nicht zugeordneten Personen werden nicht veröffentlicht.

Pandy&amp;Tommy (copy) (copy) The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Read review Lotte Hello dear Anifit team, especially dear Yvonne Nederkorn... a big, big THANK YOU for the great advice and especially for the super products. Our little Lotte is more than thrilled. She "pounces" on her food every day anew and her food bowl is more than empty&amp;clean!!! ;-) What else I have noticed... since we have been feeding Lotte wet food from Anifit, she no longer "smells" like a dog ;-) and her coat is "softer"... :-) :-) :-) We are really ALL very satisfied...! Many thanks for that... ... Hello dear Anifit team, especially dear Yvonne Nederkorn... a big, big THANK YOU for the great advice and especially for the super products. Our little Lotte is more than thrilled. She "pounces" on h... Read review Vet costs have halved Dear Anifit team, Ida (2 years) and Marlene (17 years) feel completely at ease. We have been feeding Anifit for 3 years. Since then, vet costs have halved. Marlene's digestive problems have disappeared. Marlene also no longer has tonsillitis. Ida is full of vitality. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Ida (2 years) and Marlene (17 years) feel completely at ease. We have been feeding Anifit for 3 years. Since then, vet costs have halved. Marlene's digestive problems have disappear... Read review Emma loves Moby Dick Emma loves Moby Dick! Fish is always popular and we were delighted that this flavour is now on offer and immediately went for it. The test was clear! Always included in the order! This product review was translated automatically. Emma loves Moby Dick! Fish is always popular and we were delighted that this flavour is now on offer and immediately went for it. The test was clear! Always included in the order! This product revie... Read review
Moby Dick is now one of our favourite varieties Hello dear Anifit team, About the product Moby Dick, first of all, it's great as always! About the product: Appearance of the tin, very appealing design. The food itself smells deliciously of fish and you can see lots of fish pieces in it. Unfortunately, our little one has a sensitive stomach, so we are careful with new flavours. But thanks to the very good quality of the food, we haven't noticed any problems so far. As she loves eating fish, Moby Dick is now one of our favourite varieties. T... Hello dear Anifit team, About the product Moby Dick, first of all, it's great as always! About the product: Appearance of the tin, very appealing design. The food itself smells deliciously of fish ... Read review Liza sticks to the food bowl We have now tried a few food manufacturers and finally ended up with Anifit because of a detailed review in a blog and what can I say?Our husky dog Liza loves it!The main reason for the switch was her almost chronic ear infections and being a little underweight.The vet therefore recommended switching to slightly more unusual meat sources, i.e. away from chicken and beef, in case that was the cause of the ear infection.You don't find too many manufacturers who can offer a varied diet, but Anifit ... We have now tried a few food manufacturers and finally ended up with Anifit because of a detailed review in a blog and what can I say?Our husky dog Liza loves it!The main reason for the switch was her... Read review Moby Dick now also on the menu Dear Provital Team, We recently ordered and tried your new Moby Dick 810g wet food product. Our dog, a 3 ½-year-old English springer spaniel, is sometimes a little sensitive when it comes to food, but he loved the Moby Dick and ate it happily. It has been excellent for him and this new variety, along with Gockels Duett, will always be on our dog's menu in future. Thank you very much for always endeavouring to include such great new products in your range. This product review was translated aut... Dear Provital Team, We recently ordered and tried your new Moby Dick 810g wet food product. Our dog, a 3 ½-year-old English springer spaniel, is sometimes a little sensitive when it comes to food, bu... Read review Bibo's favourite dish is Moby Dick Moby Dick: A new product in the range and already our Bibo's favourite. As with the other varieties, the contents are of very high quality. You can tell as soon as you open the tin. The dog goes crazy for it. A clear purchase recommendation from me and Bibo! Turkey sticks: Very high quality treats for in between meals, the dog likes it. This product review was translated automatically. Moby Dick: A new product in the range and already our Bibo's favourite. As with the other varieties, the contents are of very high quality. You can tell as soon as you open the tin. The dog goes crazy... Read review
Enya loves Anifit and the snacks Enya, a Labradoodle Medium, is now almost 1 1/2 years old and has been with us from an early age.We became aware of you quite early on after a lot of research on the Internet. She loves all the varieties, so I always buy different ones to give her some variety. When the deer meat flakes were added, I wanted to try them straight away, so Enya did. I take them in between playing (in a cardboard roll, sniffing box ...) or also a handful when she gets hungry. So keep up the good work. We are alwa... Enya, a Labradoodle Medium, is now almost 1 1/2 years old and has been with us from an early age.We became aware of you quite early on after a lot of research on the Internet. She loves all the variet... Read review PeeWee is a big fish fan Hello dear Provital team, My Malinois dog PeeWee has been fed Anifit tins for years.An important criterion for me was that my dog tolerates the food over a longer period of time, as we have unfortunately had problems with other types of food in the past, that it is of high quality - and a very important aspect: it has to taste good to my dog!All of this is true. PeeWee empties her bowl with fervour and when I read that the "Moby Dick" fish can was now also available, I knew she had to try it t... Hello dear Provital team, My Malinois dog PeeWee has been fed Anifit tins for years.An important criterion for me was that my dog tolerates the food over a longer period of time, as we have unfortuna... Read review A biscuit always works We have been feeding our dogs exclusively with Anifit products for about a year now, from wet food to treats. It is varied and they still like it today. I don't even need to come home with any other food. The Picco Tabs are particularly popular.They fit in every trouser and jacket pocket and are always with you. Even at home, a biscuit is always a good idea. This product review was translated automatically. We have been feeding our dogs exclusively with Anifit products for about a year now, from wet food to treats. It is varied and they still like it today. I don't even need to come home with any other ... Read review No more complaints thanks to Anifit Dear Anifit team, My Malinois dog Lucy has been on RyDog Vital Menu lamb and goat/horse and Moby Dick as a supplement, as well as Powerdarm and Amovit Hund. She has the genetic defect D Lokus genotype d/d (blue, grey) With ANIfit it is great, she has no complaints and we are all happy that she is doing so well, nothing else comes into our house. I would also like to thank you for the great feeding plan, the advice and that I can call at any time if there is anything wrong. LG U.Rodriguez This p... Dear Anifit team, My Malinois dog Lucy has been on RyDog Vital Menu lamb and goat/horse and Moby Dick as a supplement, as well as Powerdarm and Amovit Hund. She has the genetic defect D Lokus genotyp... Read review
No digestive problems thanks to Anifit! Dear Provital Team, Our dog Bera (called Bear) is a Gos d'Atura Català mix. We got her in 2017 when she was about 5 years old from the animal rescue centre in Romania. As she has a very sensitive stomach, we came across Provital products in our search for a well-tolerated and rich food. She loves all Anifit varieties, so her new "Moby Dick" perfectly complements the range of flavours. For years she has been thanking us for this food with a splendid coat and no digestive problems, is happy as ... Dear Provital Team, Our dog Bera (called Bear) is a Gos d'Atura Català mix. We got her in 2017 when she was about 5 years old from the animal rescue centre in Romania. As she has a very sensitive sto... Read review Moby Dick is top class Hello, Anifit dog food is really top class. The quality of these products is not only reflected in the shiny coat or the general state of health of our health of our dog, but also in the enthusiasm of the animal when we feed it. We are very satisfied. This product review was translated automatically. Hello, Anifit dog food is really top class. The quality of these products is not only reflected in the shiny coat or the general state of health of our health of our dog, but also in the enthusiasm of... Read review Luna tolerates the meat flakes very well We got our Luna, a Maltipoo, from the breeder in August at the age of 12 weeks. Everything went well except for the food. We continued to feed her the breeder's food. But she hardly ate at all, and when she did, it was always in stages. We didn't know that from the two dogs we had before.So I checked out the Facebook group to see what other people were feeding her. After some research, I came across Anifit. The food and its composition convinced me. I also like the nutritional advice.With the g... We got our Luna, a Maltipoo, from the breeder in August at the age of 12 weeks. Everything went well except for the food. We continued to feed her the breeder's food. But she hardly ate at all, and wh... Read review Moby Dick smells very pleasant Hello dear Provital team, I'd love to tell you about Moby Dick and my two dogs. Firstly, the Moby Dick food smells really pleasant, which I already know from the other varieties, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the fish. My two dogs, Eddy (Yorkshire mix) and Buddy (Dachshund-Maltese), devoured Moby Dick in no time at all. They also tolerate it very well. Since I have been feeding Anifit, Buddy's itching has also subsided. He is a bit sensitive. We've tried a lot of dog foods, but we've... Hello dear Provital team, I'd love to tell you about Moby Dick and my two dogs. Firstly, the Moby Dick food smells really pleasant, which I already know from the other varieties, but I was very ple... Read review
Lotta feels good all round Hello Provital, Our Goldendoodle dog Lotta has been getting Anifit natural flakes with vegetables mixed into the various Anifit wet food mixes for some time now. Her favourites are Schäfer's Pfanne, Witwe Boltes Schrecken, Falscher Hase and Thanksgiving Day. They all mix wonderfully with the natural flakes and our Lotta has enjoyed them for a long time. She has a beautiful coat and feels good all over, as you can easily see in the picture.I have been ordering the Anifit and the natural flakes ... Hello Provital, Our Goldendoodle dog Lotta has been getting Anifit natural flakes with vegetables mixed into the various Anifit wet food mixes for some time now. Her favourites are Schäfer's Pfanne,... Read review Moby Dick - Quality that convinces Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to give some feedback on Moby Dick. We have been feeding our dogs (male Weimaraner, male Wirehaired Dachshund) with Anifit since the beginning.Why? Because the quality has convinced us!This also applies to the new fish variety.Admittedly, I was pleased that fish was added to the range, it was just missing. The consistency, colour and smell are what I expect from wet food.Absolutely natural. Both the colour and smell correspond to fresh fish. The consistency ... Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to give some feedback on Moby Dick. We have been feeding our dogs (male Weimaraner, male Wirehaired Dachshund) with Anifit since the beginning.Why? Because the qua... Read review Fish day! My BARF menus also included a fish day!As I fed my last dog meat, fish, vegetables and fruit (BARF) for many years,I didn't want my new dog to miss out on anything. However, I no longer felt likeelaborate barfing. I found an ideal alternative in the ANIFIT tins from PROVITAL.I am particularly pleased that fish is offered. My BARF menus also included a fish day.The 5-year-old Yuma comes from an animal rescue centre and has only been with me for 3 months. Because she is quitelean, I feed ... My BARF menus also included a fish day!As I fed my last dog meat, fish, vegetables and fruit (BARF) for many years,I didn't want my new dog to miss out on anything. However, I no longer felt likeelabo... Read review Passion for Moby Dick Moby Dick:We have been feeding Anifit for over a year because our Labrador is allergic to food mites and we were impressed by the concept and the result of switching to Anifit wet food. Our dog generally loves Anifit, but he has developed a special preference for Moby Dick. We like to feed it as a change from the other varieties. The food is very well tolerated, has a good consistency and smells pleasant. We combine it with the vegetable flakes. Gourmet sausage horse:The gourmet sausage with... Moby Dick:We have been feeding Anifit for over a year because our Labrador is allergic to food mites and we were impressed by the concept and the result of switching to Anifit wet food. Our dog genera... Read review
We think Moby Dick is great I came across Anifit through my own research on the Internet. I liked the fact that this food contains no preservatives and is produced without animal testing. I also like the fact that "Moby Dick" as a fish dish makes a nice change from meat food. It also gives Bubi a very shiny but not greasy coat. This product review was translated automatically. I came across Anifit through my own research on the Internet. I liked the fact that this food contains no preservatives and is produced without animal testing. I also like the fact that "Moby Dick" as... Read review Squeak Fidel with Anifit! On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quickly. She explained to us what we could take for a very sensitive dog. Our Timmy, a male dog, is white and very sensitive. According to the vet, he should eat an expensive special dry food. Enthusiasm of our sunshine - I allow it, I'm hungry but I don't like it. When we started the changeover, we m... On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quic... Read review the very best is" Healthy treats without empty calories, fat and chemical additives I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Hedi Pollermeier, I am a two-year-old Yorkshire Dwarf Spitz mix bitch weighing an impressive 3.4 kg. I guard a large property and the surrounding forest and am always praised by my pack members. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to be the boss, that's Mausi. Mausi is always the boss, even Schatz is subordinate to her. At least that's what they always call each other, for me it's mum and dad. I'm a bright and lovable dog and love my pack more than ... I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Hedi Pollermeier, I am a two-year-old Yorkshire Dwarf Spitz mix bitch weighing an impressive 3.4 kg. I guard a large property and the surrounding f... Read review Thanks to Power Darm, their bowel movements are back to normal I am the proud owner of 2 dog ladies. Finya got diarrhoea from every dog food, which was only alleviated by medicinal mud. The disadvantage is that the appetite is extremely increased.Last week I tried Anifit for the first time.The previous consultation with Mrs Zintl was very good, no time pressure etc. Today I went straight for supplies, because Finya has had no more diarrhoea since the first feeding with Anifit! I am therefore convinced that Anifit is a really high quality dog food.In terms o... I am the proud owner of 2 dog ladies. Finya got diarrhoea from every dog food, which was only alleviated by medicinal mud. The disadvantage is that the appetite is extremely increased.Last week I trie... Read review
Frida loves it 1000% and most importantly, she gets full Our Cavapoo dog of 8 months is very fussy and picky and suddenly refused all dry food when she was 7 months old.I never wanted to feed her wet food because I didn't like the smell and the lack of meat and the composition. I have now been switching to Anifit wet food for 3 weeks and my conclusion is that she loves it 1000%.-Frida loves it 1000% and the most important thing is that she is full-Food changeover went without a hitch-wet food smells pleasantly delicious-Adding flakes, vegetable mix or... Our Cavapoo dog of 8 months is very fussy and picky and suddenly refused all dry food when she was 7 months old.I never wanted to feed her wet food because I didn't like the smell and the lack of meat... Read review The food is great! My dog Eddie is almost 8 months old, he is lively, playful, funny, cheerful, a bundle of energy, he tolerates the food very well, likes it very much, has great bowel movements and makes big and small piles twice a day, before I had fed other food because I couldn't find the right one. Eddie often didn't eat it, he didn't like it, or had diarrhoea and tore piles and 4 times a day, the food stank very unpleasantly and Eddie's bowel movements too. since Eddie has been eating your food, everything ... My dog Eddie is almost 8 months old, he is lively, playful, funny, cheerful, a bundle of energy, he tolerates the food very well, likes it very much, has great bowel movements and makes big and small ... Read review There is nothing better! Dear team, with my input for Anifit I would like to thank you very much for giving my 13 year old dog Beny Yorkiemischling a more cheerful dog life.I very much regret not having discovered Anifit much earlier, which I found out about through Dentadog because I had the dry food analysed which Beny unfortunately got for years from our unfortunate ignorance.The dog food was also supposedly very high quality, the inventor was a naturopath etc... Beny had gastrointestinal problems so often that only ... Dear team, with my input for Anifit I would like to thank you very much for giving my 13 year old dog Beny Yorkiemischling a more cheerful dog life.I very much regret not having discovered Anifit much... Read review Nala has become a lively and very energetic young dog Dear Zintl family, We wanted to write to you a long time ago, but have only now got round to it. Perhaps also because almost a quarter of a year has now passed and our young dog Nala, a lovely doodle girl, is free of diarrhoea and we have had to enjoy the time! About five months ago we started to change her food to Anifit. She reacted with severe diarrhoea and we thought it was due to the food. In the nice and competent conversations with you, we were at a loss as to why the diarrhoea kept recur... Dear Zintl family, We wanted to write to you a long time ago, but have only now got round to it. Perhaps also because almost a quarter of a year has now passed and our young dog Nala, a lovely doodle ... Read review
Gizmo had the full programme Thanks to the super competent advice from the lovely Andrea Herrmann, I no longer have any inflammation with my senior pug Gizmo due to the change of food to Anifit... whether ear, nose fold or skin... The constant gastrointestinal problems are also a thing of the past and no more inflamed anal glands. The coat has become softer and my little senior is even fitter than ever.... are very happy and grateful for these great changes. It also tastes excellent to him. This product review was translat... Thanks to the super competent advice from the lovely Andrea Herrmann, I no longer have any inflammation with my senior pug Gizmo due to the change of food to Anifit... whether ear, nose fold or skin..... Read review EVERYONE HAS TO EXPERIENCE THAT! Dear ANIfit and RyDog team, Our dogs (Roja &amp; Raja) and we (Laura &amp; Marco) would like to express our deepest THANKS to you. We are not only grateful, but have found our inner peace with your food. Our Roja is particularly grateful. She was poisoned a few years ago and has had very bad intestinal problems ever since. :( She kept having diarrhoea with blood in her faeces and wasn't as fit as she used to be... We tried so much and didn't get the help we wanted from the vets. It was ver... Dear ANIfit and RyDog team, Our dogs (Roja &amp; Raja) and we (Laura &amp; Marco) would like to express our deepest THANKS to you. We are not only grateful, but have found our inner peace with your f... Read review

Moby Dick

Salmon / White fish / Hering 30 Testimonials
6 Piece, 200g
23.76 €
€ 19.80/kg